All pets dropping off will need to have the following forms filled out. These can be printed ahead of time or filled out at drop off.

Check In Form

This form must be filled out for every visit at Longview, as things may change with your pets from visit to visit. You can fill out one form for multiple pets. If there are any questions, you can call us, or fill this out at drop off in the office.

Required Documentation

All new and existing customers must fill out the following documentation, unless policies change in the future, which we will notify you of. These only need to be filled out once.

Longview Boarding Pet Agreement

The Longview Boarding Pet Agreement needs to be filled out by all new customers of Longview. Please initial every paragraph and sign at the bottom. For those coming in for Trials, you can fill look this over prior to coming and we can give you a copy at the trial drop off. All existing customers do not have to fill out this agreement if you’ve already done so in the past. Longview does have the right to amend this agreement and then require a new signature from all affected clients.

Veterinary Treatment Authorization Form

The Veterinary Treatment Authorization Form should be filled out by anyone with a pet over 10 years old or with a complicated medical condition. It is always comforting and helpful to have this form in the event of something happening to your pet.

Diabetic Form

The Diabetic Form should be filled out by anyone bringing a pet to Longview that needs diabetic care. Please note, we are not accepting any new diabetic cats at this time.